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Could you stand in my way ?

Micah P. Hinson, Stand In My Way
Extrait de l'album Micah P. Hinson and The Gospel of Progress (2014)

One two three,
Two two three

It's not what you said
It's just how you said it to me
It's not what you said
It's just how you said it to me
Could you stand in my way ?

It's not what you did
It's just how you did it to me
It's not what you did
It's just how you did it to me
Could you stand Could you stand in my way ?

Could you stand
Could you stand
Could you stand in my way ?

D'autres valses ? Un, deux, plic! 

Les Collages d'eMmA MessanA, collage non disponible N°250 "Ça donne des ailes !" © eMmA MessanA


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