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I keep feeling smaller and smaller

Les Collages d'eMmA MessanA, fragment du collage "Le relais", pièce unique © eMmA MessanA

Les Collages d'eMmA MessanA, fragment du collage "Le relais", pièce unique © eMmA MessanA

The National, I Need My Girl

Aaron Dessner  &  Matt Berninger

I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can't get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl


Remember when you lost your shit and
Drove the car into the garden
You got out and said I'm sorry
To the vines and no one saw it

I need my girl
I need my girl


I'm under the gun again
I know I was the 45% of then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can't get my head around it

I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl


There's some things that I should never
Laugh about in front of family
I'll try to call you from the party
It's full of punks and cannonballers
I need my girl
I need my girl


I'm under the gun again
I know I was the 45% of then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good and I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
But I can't get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I keep feeling smaller and smaller

Mes gammes

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